Sunday, September 14, 2014

# KDK fan

HOT weather right these days? Plus haze somemore. Tsk!

Ok i just bought a stand fan for my room. My current fan (SONA) is waiting to be burried in the Town council dustbin near my block carpark lobby. 

Which fan i bought? I didn't even scratch my head to think. Why?????????? Coz if i think of fans or lights, i can only think of KDK! 

Ok don't ask me why i bought SONA before this. (Budget la!)

Moving on, KDK is the WORLD'S BEST BRAND for fans & lights and that explains the price. (You must be thinking why this brand is SOOOOOOOOO EX la no matter which electrical store you go, the price sure hit above $100)

I don't know why. you can google to find out what's so good about KDK but i tell you NO REGRETS upon buying them as it will last you for MORE than 10 years with the same exact speed as you first bought. 

Really! I swear! My parents-in-law still using their 2002 1st purchase same exact KDK fan till today.

It looks like this (the one that i bought). Pssssssssssssst! It has many models btw. 

This costs me $105 @ Best Denki, Vivocity (on 11.09.14)

Once my husband fixed the fan and plug it in, we both straight fell DEEPLY asleep on our bed. Trust me, even my husband now spends more time sleeping in the room than watching his national geographic in the hall.  (kinda good for me coz i hate it when he watch national geo man! Soo BOLING!

kk. That's my review for the fan that has no looks BUT of great value and worth! You try it and spread around on how good is the fan ok? 

Aites, See you soon!


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