Saturday, August 30, 2014

# Hair Cream Review


HELLO again!

Today I'll be sharing a review about one of my most favourite hair cream that I apply on my hair RELIGIOUSLY every single day. I swear ladies, I am so in love with this hair cream. Previously, I had very dry hair and like most of you, my hair is really thin. There aren't much volume in it and I feel like it's just so boring and dull.

So I thought of changing my whole look. I went to my favorite hair salon and she recommended me to go on with a hair treatment, hair cut and also recommended me KMS California hair lotion. 

It is like a leave on hair cream but trust me, once you apply it on your hair, you wouldn't want to stop using it.

So, this is how the bottle and my hair looks like after use respectively :


It costs only $37 and it will last you for more than a month. You can get it at any hair salon or (U-cut hair salon, located at Ghim Moh link - that's where I got mine.)

After which, you'll see more volume in your hair. It's pretty easy to apply also, not much steps. Just have to apply it on your hair after you wash it. I usually focus more on the ends of my hair as it's always prone to dryness. 

So ladies, give it a try and let me know your views! If you have any other topics to share with us, we would love to hear from you. Just drop us an email at ! :) 

Lots of love,
Style Studio

Monday, August 25, 2014


Howdy Fashiorinas,
Here we meet again to talk about a fashion topic. Fashion trends. I am a huge fan of fashion. Whenever I meet someone, the first thing that will catch my eyes will be the way they put their outfit together to present themselves well. I’m confident that I am not the only one who has the same habit, right ladies?
Not only that, I noticed that there are way too many “fashion gone wrong” out there. To me, I do browse through latest fashion trends to keep up and all that stuff but I will give it a try first and see whether it is good enough for me or not. Because, it’s true that not every single trend out there will suit each and every one of us. So ladies, play with the trends well.
Back to the point: Fashion Trends
Credits: Google
Let me break…break…break it down for you. (And that’s because I love to talk a lot about it ;))
  1. Crop Tops
    Credits: Pintrest
    Oh boy, is it even possible for any of you to not have crop tops in your wardrobe? No way man! I am totally in love with crop tops. They are so chic, easy and super comfortable for everyone. And the best thing is, they are not tight fitting at all. If you are not fond of showing off your tummy, you can still don a crop top with a tank top or any inner wear. Seriously ladies, if you are in a rush somewhere and you wanna grab something that is really easy to match, crop top is the answer.
  2. Pastels
    Gone are the days where black ruled our lived. Time to fill these pastels in. I used to only wear black because I thought it’s the easiest and I wasn’t that confident to try on pastels but as soon as I tried them on and I got nice comments on it, I got hooked. I love them now. They are so stylish and soft that they will automatically portray your inner posh quality. Trust me ladies, time to put all the dark and black outfits aside.
  3. Blacks
    Black accessories are the thing right now. Just look at every celebrity down the red carpet, if they are putting on a light coloured outfit, they make sure black is their company. No one is gonna say you are wrong with black. Just make sure, not too much of it that it will turn out a little tacky.
  1. Prints
    Last but not the least, prints! I can’t express the amount of love I have for prints. I’m sure some of you are addicted to prints as well. Omg, prints is equivalent to bae(love). However, I try not to put a lot of prints together at the same time as it’ll be quite a headache. If you are not confident enough to try it, take a step further and give it a try baybehs. You’ll love it as much as I do.
Tip of the day: If you are not really sure about pairing outfits or anything like that. GOOGLE is always there for you. Our best friend. Google up and you can see how that specific outfit is usaully being paired with. Once you are convinced, you can rock that outfit out. Main thing is, BE CONFIDENT AND COMFORTABLE IN WHAT YOU WEAR.
Hope you learnt a little bit from this post. 
Till then.
Style Studio



You will think i sound like a lemur right? I don't blame you. Now i will tell what is that actually.
I got this thingy with me since young (around 10 yrs old like that). it's RED, DRY and ITCHY patches of rash on my elbows and top skin of my feet (don't know what it's called. it's near to my toes area)

I don't know how i got it BUT most doctors i went to said it's an inflammation of the skin due to allergic reaction to bacteria exposure (something like that la).

So, my mom used to bring me to the doctor and get those creams from them which costs about $40-50. Sounds reasonable? NO! This price is for a SMALL, i repeat, SMALL CONTAINER of cream. Around this size la. (managed to find one image that looks like the size, online)


SEE! SOO SMALL RIGHT? *Slaps forehead. Never Mind that, Now let's get back to the purpose of my writing today.

I want to share with you all out there who has the same problem as what i had AND to those who wish to moisturise your body with an AFFORDABLE, EFFECTIVE cream.

So, like i said, i had eczema till i was recently introduced by a friend to this cream called EUCERIN. Yes, you heard it right. EUCERIN. This cream can be easily found in MOST UNITY, GUARDIAN and WATSONS.

BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT i didn't know about it TILL recently ONLY. (soo ignorant lor. tsk)  I went to WATSON'S SALE @ Singapore expo last June'14 and got it @ $17+/bottle (with discount). Usual price: $30+ i last saw.

when i went there and buy, guess what? I got it along with another eucerin sample bottle for FREE!
So i just grab la. The $17+ bottle smells great for a moisturiser BUT the sample bottle smells EGGY (if there is a word for it *giggles*) It's like smell of raw eggs. (pic below)

I applied these for like 1 month and i tell you it WORKS better than all the doctor's medicine. REALLY! This is the FIRST time i buy something from the neighbourhood store like Watsons that works on me. How to use? Just apply the cream on your body or eczema affected areas like a moisturiser EVERYDAY. I repeat, EVERYDAY HOR! Don't use for alternate days or so and expect "MAGIC"

FYI, im NOT PAID to advertise this product OK. I'm sharing this with you all COZ there was once i took a train back home and i saw this school boy who has the same problem as i had and he had eczema on his hands, legs and face (i really thank god for not having the eczema on my face).I felt soo pitiful for the boy coz i felt what he is feeling now and i really want to spread this so called "cure" around for more people to know and try it out and GET RID of this eczema.

So those who tried and works for you, please spread the word around and help those around us who suffers the same. I suggest, if you have any other allergies, please forward this allergies to the salesperson and check if you can use this product without any interference ya?

Till then!
Style Studio